For Immediate Release: Oct. 26, 2023
Contact: Alisa Bousa, Public Information Officer | 605.773.2031
Barriers for Emerging Adults Task Force to Meet November 2
PIERRE, S.D.—The Barriers for Emerging Adults Task Force created by HB 1063 during the 2023 South Dakota Legislative Session will meet on Thursday, Nov. 2, 2023, 2-3 p.m. CDT virtually via Zoom.
The task force will review a report on emerging adults and discuss next steps. The task force encourages all persons interested to attend, and public testimony is welcome. View the agenda at
Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 867 6794 9676
Passcode: 759621
The task force was created to examine barriers to service for “emerging adults” involved in the justice system in South Dakota. “Emerging adults” refers to individuals who are 18 to 25 years old. The goal of this task force is to:
- Recommend best practices for supporting emerging adults that are involved in the adult criminal justice system.
- Create joint training opportunities for justice system professionals and partners related to emerging adults.
- Identify opportunities to expand diversion programming for emerging adults.
- Explore ways to overcome barriers to housing and employment for emerging adults.
- Explore supervision practices utilized through probation and parole for emerging adult offenders.
- Recommend ways to develop culturally responsive, community-based mentoring programs for emerging adults.
- Recommend alternative or additional funding structures for supportive services for emerging adults.
The task force is comprised of representatives from the South Dakota Unified Judicial System, Department of Corrections, Department of Education, Department of Labor and Regulation, Department of Social Services, prosecutors, defense attorneys, law enforcement and community-based providers. To learn more, visit
About South Dakota Courts: The Unified Judicial System (UJS) consists of the Supreme Court, Circuit Courts and State Court Administrator’s Office. The Supreme Court is the state’s highest court and final decision maker on South Dakota law. The Circuit Courts are the state’s trial courts where criminal proceedings and civil litigation are handled. The State Court Administrator’s Office provides centralized administrative assistance and support services for the South Dakota judiciary. Learn more at