For Immediate Release: Jan. 29, 2024
Contact: Alisa Bousa, Public Information Officer | 605.773.2031
Sioux Falls Mental Health Court to Hold Graduation Ceremony
PIERRE, S.D.—Sioux Falls Mental Health Court will hold a graduation ceremony to celebrate participants’ achievements on Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. CST at the Minnehaha County Courthouse in Sioux Falls.
Phyllis Arends, co-founder of Empire Mental Health Support and retired executive director of NAMI Sioux Falls, will be the keynote speaker.
Mental health court graduation is an important part in a participant’s journey to building a life of responsibility and accountability. The graduation is open to the public, as well as family and friends of the participants. It is also open to the media and cameras, with interviews available upon request.
The graduation will be held in Courtroom 4B on the fourth floor of the Minnehaha County Courthouse, 425 N. Dakota Ave., Sioux Falls. The public is asked to enter the courthouse through the front entry, where they will go through security screening. Take the elevators located to the right of the security area to the fourth floor. The courtroom will be on right upon exiting the elevators.
Sioux Falls Mental Health Court provides an innovative approach to rehabilitation. Instead of prison time, the court provides supervision and facilitates access to counseling, treatment and support to help participants overcome mental health challenges and addiction. Graduates go through a rigorous program and must successfully complete all five phases. They have been responsible for multiple drug screens each week, have paid their fines and fees, and have completed countless hours of mental health and chemical dependency treatment. These individuals are now in stable, sober housing and living productive lives.
To learn more about treatment courts, visit For more information, contact Michael Hanson, Sioux Falls Mental Health Court coordinator, at 605-403-3448 or
About South Dakota Courts: The Unified Judicial System (UJS) consists of the Supreme Court, Circuit Courts and State Court Administrator’s Office. The Supreme Court is the state’s highest court and final decision maker on South Dakota law. The Circuit Courts are the state’s trial courts where criminal proceedings and civil litigation are handled. The State Court Administrator’s Office provides centralized administrative assistance and support services for the South Dakota judiciary. Learn more at