Hutchinson County Courthouse
Moody County Courthouse
Bennett County Courthouse
Kingsbury County Courthouse
Aurora County Courthouse
Grant County Courthouse
Gregory County Courthouse
Sanborn County Courthouse
Mellette County Courthouse
Hand County Courthouse
Brown County Courthouse
Lake County Courthouse
Harding County Courthouse
Edmunds County Courthouse
Perkins County Courthouse
Davison County Courthouse
Stanley County Courthouse
Yankton County Courthouse
McPherson County Courthouse
Campbell County Courthouse
Sully County Courthouse
Hanson County Courthouse
Meade County Courthouse
Marshall County Courthouse
Roberts County Courthouse
Fall River County Courthouse
Pennington County Courthouse
Faulk County Courthouse
Douglas County Courthouse
Union County Courthouse
Miner County Courthouse
Minnehaha County Courthouse
Spink County Courthouse
Codington County Courthouse
Hughes County Courthouse
Lawrence County Courthouse
Jackson County Courthouse
Turner County Courthouse
McCook County Courthouse
Beadle County Courthouse
Potter County Courthouse
Butte County Courthouse
Hamlin County Courthouse
Dewey County Courthouse
Day County Courthouse
Clay County Courthouse
Brookings County Courthouse
Haakon County Courthouse
Lincoln County Courthouse
Walworth County Courthouse
Custer County Courthouse
Tripp County Courthouse
Jerauld County Courthouse
Bon Homme County Courthouse
Lyman County Courthouse
Charles Mix County Courthouse
Hyde County Courthouse
Ziebach County Courthouse
Jones County Courthouse
Brule County Courthouse
Clark County Courthouse
Corson County Courthouse
Deuel County Courthouse
Drug Courts, DUI Courts, Veterans Courts, and Mental Health Courts are specialized criminal dockets that share core principles while focusing on addressing specific issues.
Small claims court is an informal court which allows people to sue for small losses of money or property. The procedures are simple enough that an individual can file and handle his or her own claim in court.
South Dakota law requires that parties to any action involving the issue of child custody or parenting time complete a court-approved course concerning the impact of these proceedings on children.